Quick list of some of the areas Centre State Drilling drills waterbores for your domestic stock and irrigation purposes, allowing you to utilise groundwater. Centre State Drilling, your bore water drillers of choice.
Castlemaine Harcourt Ravenswood Bendigo Marong Lockwood Maldon Newstead Maryborough Daylesford Guildford Trentham Glenlyon Tylden Woodend Macedon Gisbourne Ballarat Creswick Kyneton Taradale Malmsbury Carlsruhe Newham Sunbury Romsey Lancefield Tooberac Heathcote Pyalong Seymour Springfield Kilmore DarraweitGuim Wallan Broadford Tallarook Yea Alexandra Kinglake Strathcreek Wandong Clonbinane Heathcotejunction Flowerdale GhinGhin Highlands CentralHighlands Eppalock Toolleen Redesdale SuttonGrange Metcalfe
If your property is not on the list but in the general area, then there is a good chance we cover your area.