Water Bores

Water Bores

Water Bores have been utilised in Australia for many generations, supplying water for house garden stock and irrigation use. Water Bores, what are they? A Water Bore is a a drilled shaft, installed to intercept and underground aquifer or water table, from which water can be accessed. Depth to water, quality and quantity of water are dependent upon geological conditions. To check these factors of bores in your area, follow this link https://www.vvg.org.au/vvg_map.php this is a database (Victoria only) of Water Bores, dating back to the late 1800″s, generally giving details on water flow, chemistry, depth to water, lithology etc. Alternatively you can click our link for a free groundwater base search, here, http://www.centrestatedrilling.com.au/free-groundwater-database-search/.

Based on the information regarding Water Bores in your area, you should have some confidence as to what to expect, you can then proceed to a site inspection. Dan McMahon, a renowned water diviner and water bore drilling contractor, will visit your site for an inspection. Dans reputation for honesty and integrity is well founded and Dan will walk you thru the steps of the Waterboring process, putting everything in writing and helping with your bore permit application. Your Water Bore permit application is quite simple and takes approx 10 minutes. For a quick yet comprehensive tutorial on the divining, drilling and whole water bore drilling process, check this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKweHAwj9-A&t=14s

Once your Water Bore has been drilled to depth and lined with certified high pressure Australian made borecasing and brought to production standard, you will be ready for a pump to be supplied and installed. After more than 30 years experience in the Bore Drilling industry, Dan has found the following two pump suppliers and installers to be some of the best he has worked with.



Some Water Bores may require a water treatment system to remove salts and minerals. We have found the best type to be Desalination and highly recommend the following for your desalination requirements


Dan has a few words of advice for anyone considering Water Bores,

” Firstly, do your research! Check the groundwater database as to what to expect in your area from a Water Bore. Secondly, do your research! Check the reviews and feedback of any drillers you talk to, ask their qualifications, work history, how long they have been drilling Water Boring. Are they honest? Misleading? Do they look you in the eye when speaking with you? Ask Reputable Irrigation and Pump Installation companies their thoughts on which drillers offer the best workmanship, service and support.”

To further discuss your Water Bores requirements and arrange an obligation free site inspection, contact Dan McMahon today on 0421870308 or email centrestatedrilling@yahoo.com.au. You can also follow us on Facebook, here https://www.facebook.com/borewaterdrillers/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel&eid=ARAnm8EFUJY4Lh6Uq-ezsb40a8rQexYij0ZzCzFK_MnW00DvyZgAbTHnbzXYoNJ0zhaDBK3lFF-ReUfS

You can also keep upto date with our Water Bores videos here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDCpgHk4uGpJzoU6wzH0mNQ?view_as=subscriber

Water Divining

Water Bore Water Strike

For your Water  requirements, Centre State Drilling has access to an extensive Victoria wide Bore Database. We are able to provide prospective clients with a free database search and report of bores in their immediate vicinity, data such as year of construction, depth drilled, water flow rates and quality, can be an excellent guide as to expected outcomes from a bore in your area.